The Tower of Druaga characters description
The Tower of Druaga franchise has been produced by Namco. This article lists the characters and describes them from the video game and anime series.
Tower of Druaga: Game Characters
The Tower of Druaga appeared as a game in 1984 on which the anime series has been made. Following are the Characters from the game.
He is also known as Gil, Girugamesshu is the hero of this game. Goddess Ishtar has commanded him to climb the Tower of Druaga. He is set to rescue the maiden Ki from the demon called Druaga. During the course of this game, Gil needs to use his sword and shield in order to navigate through intricate and complex floors of the tower. Also, each floor contains treasures.
He must use his intelligence and memory in order to reveal the locations of these treasures. For Gil to succeed in this game, these treasures are very necessary. Gil is based on Gilgamesh who was a hero in ancient Mesopotamian mythology and the protagonist of the Epic of Gilgamesh. Gil was not present in the game called The Quest of Ki which was produced in 1988.

She is also known as Kai who is a priestess. The demon Druaga has captured her and made her powerless. The demon wants to lure the the greatest warrior in Ishtar into his trap. Therefore, he has turned her into a stone. Ki becomes important part in Gil’s futher adventures. But before that he needs to rescue her from the grasp of Druaga.
Also known as Ishita, she is based on the goddess of love known as Inanna. She makes Ki to retrieve the Blue Crystal Rod. She is not in a position to interfere directly in the happenings in the world. However, her call to service is answered by Gilgamesh. She provides her instructions to Gil and rest Gil has to handle it. Ishtar will return to help them another time.
Gil is commanded by Ishtar to save Ki after Ki is captured. In the computer game, she helps the player by giving hints about retrieving the treasures. In the earlier games, she is shown as having kind and compassionate behavior. However, Ishtar has been portrayed as bossy and harsh in the game The Nightmare of Druaga released in 2004.
Known also as Doruāga is the demon of the series that resides in the Tower of Druaga. He is shown as a large, green colored monster having eight arms, four legs, and his eyes are yellow. Druaga is finally defeated by Gil. He wants to lure Ishtar’s greatest instruments of good and has kidnapped Ki and hidden the Blue Crystal Rod.
By doing this, he wants to dispose of them forever and lay claim to the world. Druaga needs to kill Gil in order to succeed in his mission. Gil should survive 60 floors of the tower ridden by monsters. He must climb all these floors and face Druaga himself. Druaga has brutal and destructive strength. Gil cannot match Druaga without proper equipment and enhancements.
Also known as Sakyubasu, and she is also demon that resides in the tower. She guards the Blue Crystal Rod in order to prevent Gil from defeating Druaga. She disguises herself as the goddess Ishtar. However, Gil meets her and has a debate. She gave up the Blue Crystal Rod eventually.
The Tower of Druaga anime series characters
Below is the description of characters that appear in the Tower of Druaga anime series.
The character is voiced by KENN in Japanese and Todd Haberkorn in English.
Jil is the protagonist of the series and is an adventurer who wants to reach the top of the Tower of Druaga. He is resolute, determined and has a strong will power. Jil nurtures fantasies of being admired as a champion. He belongs to defensive class called Guardian. To begin with, he uses a shield with an elongate-able spike in one of the hand. In the other hand, he uses any makeshift weapon such as a stick.
Jil later uses one of the two swords which was used by King Gilgamesh along with his original shield. This sword was assigned by the King to Kaaya to pass on to Jil. The name “Jil” refers to the alternate shorter name of Gilgamesh.
Jil looks like a young Gilgamesh which was shown in Gilgamesh’s flashback in third episode. Jil comes in as a good fighter despite being inexperienced in climbing. He supports Kaaya and Ahmey’s group in combat after joining their party. He is highly resolute which is one of his physical attributes. In one of the episodes he takes heavy beating from the crowd but still stands. He receives numerous blows to his head but still fails to to notice. Towards the end, it is seen that Kaaya and Jil are holding hands.

The character is voiced by Fumiko Orikasa in Japanese and Trina Nishimura in English.
Kaaya is a priestess and she has powers in defensive and healing spells. Jil injures himself while fighting a group of Climbers and Kaaya meets him. She takes him to her house in order to heal his injuries. Afterwards, Jil joins Kaaya and Ahmey’s climber party. She performs certain spells by reciting various chants. She puts small runes into the top of a long wand which she uses to create the spell. Ki helped Gilgamesh in his fight against Druaga. Kaaya is a successor of Ki.

The character is voiced by Risa Hayamizu in Japanese and Brina Palencia in English.
Ahmey is a soldier and a warrior. She is the first person to be recruited by Kaaya for her climber party. She is silent and not exhibits much feelings most of the times. Ahmey feels not comfortable when she is forced to speak. Despite being reserved in the beginning, Ahmey later shows a more feminine and innocent side to her associates. She tries to act as the leader of the group and explains the system and design of the tower.
She has traveled furthest in the tower and is the most experienced member of the group. While being in combat, she uses a weapon which has a drill bit at the end instead of a simple blade. Ahmey is known to be a high-ranking officer in the army. However, it is never discussed on what made her to leave. Druaga kills Ahmey during their fight.
The character is voiced by Hozumi Goda in Japanese and Chuck Huber in English.
Melt is a magician and he is from a wealthy family. Due to his profligacy Melt has fallen into debt and into exile. Coopa who is his servant and his titles are the only signs of wealth remaining. He wants to use the Blue Crystal Rod in order to satisfy his desires such as surrounding himself with women, destroy all the things which he does not like. Because of these reasons he climbs the tower. Melt uses a variety of rods in order to create lightning-based spells while during combat.
He creates the attack by swinging the rod like in golf and casts spells by using chants of varied lengths. Each of his rods have numbers as in golf and it is carried by Coopa just as a caddie. Melt appears to be very knowledgeable and skilled but it is not so. He has the tendency to call the incorrect rod while Coopa returns the correct one. He thinks that he has a good understanding of tastes but he fails to realize that the food he does not like is present in Coopa’s cooking.

The character is voiced by Minori Chihara in Japanese and Monica Rial in English.
Coopa comes in as a very enthusiastic person and she holds up Melt. Coopa is only 10 years old and has little knowledge about combat. She utilizes her abilities in order to prepare nutritional meals from rations and monster meat in order to help the party. She generally tells what she uses in order to prepare the meals. During the time of combat, Coopa is shown as having a lot of strength for her stature. She carries Melt’s rods in episode 11 and carries Utu who is injured.

The character is voiced by Takahiro Sakurai in Japanese and Travis Willingham in English.
He is also known as Neeba the Dragon Slayer and is a skilled at archery. Neeba is Jil’s half brother. He is a lot more serious and capable than Jil. Neeba has almost nil faith in his brother’s potential as a climber. Of all the main characters, he has the most knowledge about the tower. He uses his friends in order to achieve what he wants and there is no hesitation in that. In the 12th episode of season 1, it is shown that Neeba’s true aim was to enter the Tower of Fantasy. It can be opened only after defeating the Druaga. In order to achieve his goals he constantly manipulates his comrade and also confesses to the same.

The character is voiced by Yui Horie in Japanese and Jamie Marchi in English
She is a magician and she is proud about it. She is the only female member of Neeba’s party. Fatina admires Neeba and she wants to become Neeba’s girlfriend. She confesses this to Jil but Neeba’s linkings towards her are not clear. Similar to Melt, she has personal motives due to which she becomes a climber. Fatina wants to make use of the Blue Crystal Rod and its powers in order to become rich.
In order to remind her about her goals, she carries a purse having an expensive leather as its strap. Fatina tells Jil that she could not afford a belt made of it. She uses fire magic and a cannon like staff weapon for casting spells. Neeba betrays her in episode 12. Jil saved her during the whirlpool incident during which only they two survive. Following the destruction of Druaga, she lives with Jil during the start of season 2. Jil and Fatina attempt to start a fresh life. In the second season she likes Jil but realizes that he still loves Kaaya.
The character is voiced by Akira Ishida in Japanese and Justin Pate in English
He is the scout of the group and gathers information. Kally has street smart ability and ninja like skills. He prefers to throw knives which he uses as his weapon. His home town is deprived and thus decides to become a climber in order to improve it. He gets killed by Pazuzu when he discovers the secrets of Pazuzu’s casket.
The character is voiced by Hiroki Yasumoto in Japanese and Kent Williams in English
He is the main attacker and uses an axe for the battle. His face was not clear in the first season as it was either covered with a helmet or unclear. No one knew how he looked like until second season where his face is revealed. He works as a professional wrestler. In the first episode, Jil forgets his name and he gets separated from the group in ninth episode. After the separation due to fall from the bridge, he travels with Kally and Coopa. Utu gets separated from Kally while protecting Coopa. Although he is not present at the death of his comrade, he is aware of the fate and tells his group.
The character is voiced by Masahiko Tanaka in Japanese and Barry Yandell in English
Pazuzu is an evil magician and he kills Kally. In the end of Aegis of Uruk, it is shown that Pazuzu tried to enter the enter the tower in order to kill Gilgamesh. In the first season, he carries a lot of coffins and no one knows what is there in the coffin. Pazuzu is shot in the head and heart by Neeba and gets killed. He summons the unknown soldiers from his coffins who are four robot assassins. They are thought to be the personal guardians of Druaga. It becomes evident later that Pazuzu is father of Henaro.
The character is voiced by Takaya Kuroda in Japanese and J. Michael Tatum in English
He is the commander of the King’s army and leads them into the Tower. He tried to get rid of the monsters and Druaga. Kelb realizes that the Royal Army lacks the competency to defeat Druaga. Also, he understands that it is difficult to survive the dangers of the Tower. He initially scorns Jil and the climbers. Once upon a time he mentored Ahmey and in the end he is shown to be marrying Ethana.
The character is voiced by Risa Mizuno in Japanese and Colleen Clinkenbeard in English
She is a lieutenant in the Royal Army and serves Kelb with all loyalty. She is supportive of Jil and the Climbers and helps Jil by giving a bag of gold. This she does in pursuit of recruiting more Climbers. In the first season, she survives the waterfall and continues to perform duties of the army. Ethana has doubt about King Gilgamesh’s situation and ability to keep ruling Uruk. However, she chooses to remain obedient in the presence of king’s advisors and Amina. Towards the end, she is revealed to marry Kelb.
Dark Knight
The character is voiced by Takaya Kuroda in Japanese and Christopher Sabat in English
He comes only in Jil’s dream and is an obstacle while going to the tower. He is defeated soon.
The Three Knights of Druaga
Blue Knight of the Azure Knight, Mirror Knight of the Silver Knight, Hyper Knight of the Elite Knight and Red Knight of the Crimson Knight. These are the four knights of Druaga.
The Knights of Druaga are the followers of Lord Druaga and very loyal to him. Although it is said as three knights, however, there are four of them. Jil kills them and defeats the knights in a single shot. In the starting episode of The Aegis of Uruk, the knights appear in Jil’s dream. Interestingly the first names of the knights are the names of armor in the The Sword of the Uruk. Originally, the knights were the Dark Knights belonging to Sumer Empire. They were used to create Pazuzu’s 4 Coffin Knights.
The character is voiced by Takaya Hashi in Japanese and Charlie Campbell in English
Gilgamesh is the king and he defeated Druaga once and is considered as a hero. In the past, there was an attempt to kill Gilgamesh which Jil tried to stop but in vain. He gives Kaaya the responsibility to climb the Tower of Druaga. It is found out in Sword of Uruk that Kaaya is Gilgamesh’s great-granddaughter. Kaaya is the descendent of him and Ki. Therefore, Gilgamesh and Ishara had hoped that Kaaya would be able to kill Shadow of Gilgamesh. Although he has been kind in the past, he is eventually becoming more and more erratic and irregular.
Shadow of Gilgamesh
The character is voiced by Tomokazu Seki in Japanese and Josh Grelle in English
This is the opposite part of Gilgamesh’s personality. This shelters all of the oppressed desires and hopes of him. The shadow wants to be supreme and destroy the gods. He is evil in nature and malevolent. He has an appearance of being youthful which fits his narcissistic behaviour.
The shadow was created from Druaga’s curse. This was done in order to capture Gil into Succubus’ plot. They want to destroy the gods. The shadow’s mind reflects one of Gil’s own and his regret of not being able to live the life he wanted. Gil wanted to live in a certain way but he cannot due to his social duty. Therefore, the shadow is the malignant version of how he wanted to live.
The character is voiced by Akiko Yajima in Japanese and Leah Clark in English
Ki resembles Kaaya and is the spirit of the Tower. Ki knew about Gilgamesh when he defeated the Druaga and she is the first priestess of Ishtar. Her spirit saves Jil during his quest and informs him that he will come across three betrayals. She does not reveal much about Gilgamesh or the Tower. Ki recognizes the connection between Jil and Gilgamesh. She has the capability to appear as a child, young woman or an adult while during the tower.
The character is voiced by Yukana in Japanese and Carrie Savage in English
Succubus is a spirit in the Tower. She was freed by Neeba but she haunts him. Unless she wants others to see her, Neeba is the only one who can see her. She troubles Neeba throughout his journey. He tells that Succubus and Druaga were lovers once upon a time. Succubus tells that Druaga is no longer the person she knew. She and Ki observe the progress made by the climbers. Only a few of the climbers are aware of her presence. Succubus and Ki have the power to intervene in the system. She is a legendary witch.
The character is voiced by Jouji Nakata in Japanese and Chris Cason in English
He terrorizes the people of the tower. Druaga is an evil god and if anyone defeats him then it will reveal the Blue Crystal Rod. Before the start of the Aegis of Uruk, he was defeated by Gilgamesh. However, his spirit is very powerful and haunts the tower. The joint efforts of the climbers and Jil enable them to defeat Druaga. However, it is revealed that Blue Crystal Rod is only a key to get access to the second tower.
At the end of Aegis of Uruk, Druaga gets defeated, however, he continues to appear whenever a climber appears at the top of the lower tower. The key to the upper tower is found after the defeat of Druaga who later becomes weak.
The Female Climbers
They are the group of girl climbers who tried to climb the tower of Druaga. Kaaya, Melt, Coopa, and Ahmey ask other climbers to climb the tower. This is when Jil finds out that defeating Druaga will require more climbers. They think that they can become more beautiful by obtaining the Blue Crystal Rod. Among them, Iriri having blonde hair is a Guardian, Ahra with red hair is an Oracle. Enre with the glasses is a lancer and Uo-Roo having hair-buns is an archer. Oro with blue hair is an ice mage.
The character is voiced by Yu Nakamura in Japanese and Aaron Dismuke in English
Nakia is Ethana’s messenger and he is a soldier who serves her. He takes part in the rebellion against King Gilgamesh lead by Ethana.
The character is voiced by Kana Hanazawa in Japanese and Brittney Karbowski in English
She is basically a magician who frequently dines at Kelb’s inn. She is kind of forced due to circumstance to help Jil, Utu, and Fatina during the second climb of the Tower. Henaro has a crossbow like weapon with which she creates magical bolts. She can also control the Coffin Knights with her talisman.
Henaro is a spy for Amina although she appears to be their friend. She has been sent to restore the missing knights from Pazuzu’s coffins. Also she has to protect the king’s shadow. Later it is known that she is Pazuzu’s daughter and he calls her as Hectate. Finally, she fights the shadow along with others but gets killed by Neeba.
The character is voiced by Toshiyuki Morikawa in Japanese and Robert McCollum in English
He is the commander of the Golden Knights but not so much competent. Without much question Uragon accepts the orders. In order to capture Ki under the orders of Amina he pursues Jil. He can go to any extent to find Ki and is seen to destroy the buildings of commoners. He is having a good heart and lonely. Uragon holds Coopa as hostage to get cooperation from Melt. Mite the Fool follows him as he continues to blindly climb the tower. Uragon ends up caring for Mite the Fool.
As there is uncertainty about why he is climbing the tower, it leads to him siding with Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh kills Mite the Fool and this angers Uragon. In his grief stricken state he kills Gilgamesh as he tried to kill Gil. Coopa carries him outside the tower after all the climbers are discharged. In the end, he gets a new life as he is kneeling in front of the grave of Mite.
The character is voiced by Ōki Sugiyama in Japanese and Chris Patton in English
Kum follows Uragon and he is also a member of the Golden Knights. Kum does not believe in the propaganda that King Gilgamesh defeated Druaga. This is because Kum himself was a Climber and had seen Jil’s climb of the Tower of Druaga.
In the previous floor, the other members of the Golden Knights get wiped out. Therefore, Uragon is having to climb the tower with only Mite the Fool being with him. It is possible that Kum might be one of the climbers accompanying Fatina and Utu. This is because he is wearing a golden armor and is one of the survivor of the Golden Knights.
The character is voiced by Michiko Neya in Japanese and Clarine Harp in English
Gremica is a far relative of Neeba and Jil. She is the leader of the group who hopes to restore the glory of the Sumar Empire. Gremica was once Neeba’s teacher. She feels that capturing Ki is key to achieving her goals and therefore ascends the tower. While climbing she confronts Neeba and tell him that he stole the Arrows of the Void that helped in the defeat of Druaga.
Gremica wants to stop Neeba and Succubus from capturing the tower. Therefore, she forms alliance with Jil and others. When Neeba takes control of the tower he forces her to leave the tower. In Meskia, she tells Jil that Neeba is controlling the tower at the Shrine of Iron. Neeba would have already killed Gremica when Jil comes to confront his brother.
The character is voiced by Kazato Tomizawa in Japanese and Alison Viktorin in English
Acra is Gremica’s assistant. She is a skilled magician and gives company to Gremica. They climb the tower in their chase of Neeba and Ki. Neeba kills Acra when Gremica challenges him and reveals about the existence of Succubus.
The Coffin Knights
Mite the Fool, Sword of Blood, Tear of Ice and Specula Ex Machina are the four Coffin Knights
In the Aegis of Uruk, Pazuzu tries to hide the coffins. Four knights emerge from the coffins. They have been woken up without Pazuzu and they roam the tower and attack the climbers. Gremica tells that they are magical and are probably created from the Dark Armour. Their individual characteristics resembles them. Henaro is climbing the tower in order to restore the four knights and protect the shadow under the orders of Amina.
The character is voiced by Atsuko Tanaka in Japanese and Wendy Powell in English
She is a general of King Gilgamesh and is plump. Amina wants to get power in Meskia and takes advantage of Gilgamesh’s instability. She patronizes Gilgamesh as a hero and encourages Henaro to recover the four knights. All these happen even though war is becoming imminent. Gilgamesh kills Amina after being angry when he finds out from his shadow that Kaaya has been captured. She had planned to protect the shadow so that Uruk will have a strong and immortal king.
Voiced by Saori Yumiba
She is a servant of Amina and sees Gilgamesh killing of Amina. Shiera is a lightning magician. She repalces Amina after her death and deals with the revolt lead by Ethana. Kelb comes with a very powerful reinforcements which makes her and Royal Army to retreat. She is made as prisoner after Kelb and Ethana storm the palace to confront the King Gilgamesh. She is later seen without a chain at Kelb’s inn.
So, this is all about the various characters present in the show. If you would like to watch the Tower of Druaga the Aegis of Uruk and the Sword of the Uruk. It is available for free on YouTube but only available in certain countries.